Day 3
Lecture 9 AM to 1 PM
CHAPTER 1 :- The art of war within the body
1.1:Â The theory of sadist and masochist
~Types of sadist and Masochist
~Cellular Secrets: Unraveling the Science Behind Emotions
1.2: Voice of the organ
    ~The message of the disease
    ~Human organ emotions and behaviorÂ
Chapter 2 :- the secrete behind ida, pingla and sushumna nadi
2.1:Â The time and energy cycle
    ~Balancing ida and pingala
    ~Acupuncture for Ida and Pingala Nadi
2.2: The healing power of universe
    ~Triune energy system
    ~Understanding the Vital Energy Flow in Ida and Pingala Nadis