Day 6
Lecture 9 AM to 1 PM
CHAPTER 1 :- The natural science of the Lungs
1.1: Acupuncture Treatments pulse diagnosis for Lungs Imbalance Â
~Study Lungs Meridian and Acupuncture Points
~The Ancient Wisdom of Lungs and Ether ether element
~Lungs Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the Respiratory System
~Lungs Emotion and PsychologyÂ
1.2: The secrete behind ida, pingla and sushumna nadi
    ~The Naad (universal sound inside our body)
    ~Exploring the Cosmic Connection: How Lungs and the Universe Share a Breath of Life
Chapter 2 :- Prana vidya
2.1:Â The nose:- Gateway to the inner world
    ~The breath and Lungs
    ~Unlocking the Secrets of Breath: How Your Lungs Can Enhance Your Spiritual Journey
    ~Harmony in Every Breath – Discovering the Dual Forces that Sustain You